Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Extract from the final chapter of the book "The Sanity of Belief - Why faith makes sense" by Simon Edwards. A great, very readable and valuable book which you can buy in paperback or ebook version here: https://amzn.eu/1CkIRAt”.
Simon Edwards is a member of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA) team, who do excellent work communicating the teachings of Jesus Christ through the big cultural questions of our day (such as science, suffering, the meaning of life, homosexuality and many more). As they say on their website https://www.theocca.org:
"We seek to extol the credibility of the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ through the questions of culture, speaking in secular settings and contributing to the public discourse on religious belief."
"A podcast produced and presented by Gabriel Porras, professional voice artist. You can find out much more about Gabriel here: gabrielvoice.com radiantwhispers.com"
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